get lucky review moviescope
Blog Reviews

Get Lucky – Review – movieScope

From the outset it should be emphasised that this is not the third part of the ‘Get’ trilogy that segues Get Carter and Get Shorty. There are some similarities in that it is a gangster movie, although much closer to Lock, Stock…, or any other number of lesser East End gangster movies that followed Guy Ritchie’s template. It’s a convoluted tale of fraternal loyalties and revenge, as two brothers try to steal from the local crime boss.

Despite having a stellar cast that includes this year’s Olivier Award winner Luke Treadaway and the always imposing presence of James Cosmo, along with host of other familiar TV faces, it suffers from an overly clichéd screenplay. The locations—run-down boxing gym, fancy apartments, dockyards, London landmarks—are exactly what you expect from a film of this genre, and the situations the characters find themselves are preposterous, dependent on too many coincidences, convenient or otherwise. It is the dialogue that is the film’s biggest weakness, however, verging on parody but without the humour—even when there are supposed to be laughs. With British independent film still trying to find a strong local voice, it is a pity that so much good talent is wasted on such mediocrity.


