jessica blake acting

– . – Jessica Blake (Acting)

Jessica Blake (Acting)

Jessica Blake stars in The Butterfly Tattoo, directed by Phil Hawkins. The film is loosely based on Romeo & Juliet, and is the latest novel by acclaimed author Philip Pullman to be adapted for the big screen.

What training have you received?
I didn’t really have a formal drama school training. I’d been persuaded to study something sensible at university, and started on an Italian degree. I promptly switched to drama as this was what really interested me. During my course I began acting for student films and then shorts. I probably learnt more through doing that than on my course. But the best education I’ve had by far has been The Butterfly Tattoo; I’m a big believer in learning
through practice.

What kind of roles attract you?
I like to play characters that are quite different to myself. I like the element of escapism and of showing a side of yourself that you normally keep quite hidden. I’m drawn to characters that are a bit quirky and have plenty of contrast within them. My character in The Butterfly Tattoo, for example, is very bubbly and outgoing at first glance, with an offbeat sense of humour. But when you delve deeper you discover that she’s battling some pretty big demons.

What’s the best advice that you’ve been given as an actor?
Persevere. And be a bit of a chancer–don’t be afraid to take risks. I also think that actors should look out for each other. It’s a highly competitive industry, but you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people.

Most significant moment in your career so far?

Watching The Butterfly Tattoo on the big screen with a public audience for the first time at the Film by the Sea Film Festival. It proved to me that this is something that I could do, and make a future of. It also helps to get good, honest feedback from people that have nothing to do with the film itself. I think, as cringe-worthy as it may be, that you learn a lot from doing so and it’s how you develop. But for me the best part of my job is being on set–I love it. I love waking up and REALLY, really looking forward to going to work. And the fantastic cast and crew that I’ve been lucky enough to work with.

You’ll die happy when…
I’ve made my mark in the film industry. And got married, had some babies, seen the world…
