film london to manage uks inward investment strategy






DCMS prioritises investment in an industry which contributed over £4.5bn to UK economy last year and protects vital tax credit

Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, today announced that he is charging Film London with the national inward investment function for film, through a public-private partnership with key film industry bodies including Pinewood Studios Group, UK Screen Association and the Production Guild. Nationally branded, its aim will be to promote the UK internationally as the best place to make films bringing vital investment in the country while strengthening the domestic industry, in terms of talent, facilities and opportunities.

Adrian WoottonChief Executive of Film London said: “I am delighted the DCMS has awarded Film London with this national remit. The government’s commitment to this area of work, and the effective tax credit, demonstrates its understanding of how important a strong, vibrant and busy film production industry is in creating employment opportunities in the UK and making a significant contribution to the country’s economy.

Home to around 75% of the UK’s film industry, London is front and centre of the film business in this country. In that sense we already work very closely with the industry, both domestically and internationally, promoting London and the UK as well as constantly improving the infrastructure for filming. Therefore we are well placed to take on this responsibility on a national level and welcome the valued expertise and investment from our commercial industry colleagues and our partners in the nations and regions, which will perfectly complement the skills we already house, in order to continue and develop this important work.”

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “London, amongst the most cinematic of cities, is the epicentre of the UK film industry. Its continuing international prominence has been in no small part driven by Film London, which is well placed to take up this enhanced role. It has an awesome track record helping to deliver a massive 30% rise in filming and contributing to an important sector that underpins the capital’s position as the engine for the UK economy. I’m delighted to see this recognised.”

Ivan Dunleavy, Chief Executive of Pinewood Shepperton plc, said: “The government’s proposed solution for maintaining inward investment in the UK film industry is both practical and cost effective. The private-public partnership that is being put forward will have a clear business objective: to build on the UK’s already impressive system of film tax relief, its skills and its infrastructure to attract increased levels of inward investment films.”

To manage the national responsibility, Film London will employ the knowledge and expertise of an advisory board, which will be drawn from industry partners and stakeholders from the regions and nations. Strong links will be formed with Creative England providing film-makers with access to the riches and talent on offer throughout the entire country, as well as those in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  Film London, its partners and the BFI will work together with other industry players to ensure there will be strategic representation of the UK’s film offer at key international film markets such as the Cannes Film Festival, which provides a global platform to successfully promote the UK.

As a delivery partner in the UK’s national film policy, Film London will continue its existing strong relationship with the BFI and develop it in line with these new areas of responsibility. There will be close collaboration, developing a strategic link so that film-making talent, from the UK and around the world, can receive the best possible access to support, training and funding.

Film London will also work with BAFTA, BFI, and BBC Worldwide on initiatives to build on existing capacities and connections to explore showcasing and promoting Brit films to the US.

