george lucas talks star wars blu ray

– . – George Lucas Talks Star Wars Blu-ray


George Lucas Talks Star Wars Blu-ray

Source: IGN

Earlier this year it was announced that the six Star Wars films would be making an appearance on Blu-ray sometime in 2011, now creator George Lucas has given more details about what fans can expect. In an interview at the Star Wars Celebration V convention, Lucas promised that the releases would contain new material.

“There will be different kinds of additional material. I think you’ve seen enough behind the scenes material for a lifetime. There’s some really good material that will be included, including more deleted scenes that you haven’t seen yet.”

Unfortunately, however, there just aren’t the resources to include the original versions of the first trilogy on the releases. As Lucas explained to the New York Times, “You have to go through and do a whole restoration on it, and you have to do that digitally. It’s a very, very expensive process to do it. So when we did the transfer to digital, we only transferred the upgraded version.”

