give money to the not quite dead

– . – Give money to the not quite dead


Give money to the not quite dead

Ah, film finance. So elusive, so essential to the dreams of filmmakers the world over. However, in a climate when even big name producers and directors are struggling to obtain greenbacks, how does a fledgling filmmaker do it?

If your name is Antony Lane, you get lots of celebrity endorsements, a well known executive producer,  and then you beg for it.

Antony’s project, The Indywood Movie Project, seeks out support from the public by asking them to hand over their spare change (or more, if they are feeling generous) to the project, a zombie film (INVASION OF THE NOT QUITE DEAD) executive produced by none other than Ken Russell. And what do you get in return for your moola?  All kinds of goodies, plus the chance to be a zombie extra in the film (what better way to spend a Saturday in these credit-crunched times?) and a zombie photo makeover on the site.

It’s not the first time that finance has been raised this way, the most famous being IRAQ FOR SALE, but Antony’s passion, drive, and- let’s face it- b*****ks- really impressed me. I think the film will be a cracker, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Go on, give him a few quid and feel good about yourself all weekend.
