high point media picks up coral award winner operation peter pan

– . – High Point Media picks up Coral Award winner ‘Operation Peter Pan’

High Point Media picks up Coral Award winner ‘Operation Peter Pan’

High Point Media Group have picked up Estela Bravo’s latest documentary, Operation Peter Pan: Flying Back to Cuba to sell internationally through its fact based label, High Point Horizons.

Winner of the Coral Award for Best Documentary by a non-Latin American at this month’s Havana Film Festival, Bravo’s film delves into the controversy that surrounds Cuba’s “lost generation” of children, who, between 1960 and 1962, were sent off to the US by their parents because they believed a wildly circulated, bogus law that the state would assume parental authority.  Organised between the Roman Catholic Church and the US State Department, this clandestine operation – one of the largest airlifts of unaccompanied children – resulted in an exodus of over 14,000 children and was known as Operation Peter Pan.The children were then settled with foster care and orphanages across the US.

Featuring interviews with the key players and the children – now adults – and containing revealing footage of the children, their stories and their new lives, the film focuses on one group of ‘Peter Pans’ as they travel back as a group to the country they left 50 years ago.

“A truly shocking story brought to attention by a truly remarkable and indefatigable film maker, Estela Bravo” as High Point’s Carey Fitzgerald observed, “Operation Peter Pan movingly and compellingly lends voice to a forgotten generation whose testimonies may otherwise have been swept under the carpet of history”.

Estela Bravo’s filmography of more than 30 documentaries, including the highly regarded FidelThe  Untold Story and Who Am I: The Found Children of Argentina (Ch4), have spotlighted events throughout Latin America, Africa, the Caribbean and the U.S., winning her a worldwide reputation.

