
– . – Hollywood Fights To Keep Industry Local


Hollywood Fights To Keep Industry Local

Source: Variety

A new foundation called Bring Hollywood Home has been set up in California to work to stop the outpouring of film and TV jobs out of the region. The organization aims to educate voters, so helping create a political climate that will enable the area’s governing bodies to introduce additional incentives to retain production.

The Foundation is led by Executive Director Sharon Jimenez, a campaign consultant and former TV reporter, and board members also include political fundraiser Mona Sanchez and LA Economic Development Corp official Jack Kyser. At their recent first meeting, the foundation set out its goals; to build on the five year, $500  million tax credit programme that was passed last year. Although this programme covers 20% of below-the-line expenses for productions of up to $75 million – which can be raised to 25% for lower budget independent films – the foundation considers this to be inadequate when compared to similar deals in other states.

Bring Hollywood Home also aims to create more public awareness about just how important the industry is to California’s financial health. “If California had kept 30% of the production jobs lost in the last 14 years, we would have no budget deficit,” claims a Bring Hollywood Home press release.

