microsoft partners with bfi for 54th london film festival

– . – Microsoft partners with BFI for 54th London Film Festival


Microsoft partners with BFI for 54th London Film Festival

Microsoft today announced it is entering into a collaboration with the British Film Institute (BFI) for Windows 7 to be a main sponsor of the 54th BFI London Film Festival (LFF) which takes place from 13th – 28th October 2010. The collaboration, in partnership with American Express, marks the start of a range of activities which have been devised to inspire and enable creativity in British film and the other creative arts through everyday technology within Windows 7.

This forms part of an ongoing ambition to showcase Britain as the ‘creation nation’, across a wide range of arts and business, making new things possible with the application of Windows technology.

James McCarthy, Windows Product Marketing Lead, Microsoft commented, “The UK is and has always been a hot bed of amazing creative talent. From music, film and the arts, to fashion, sport and business, the British are a creative nation, something which Microsoft are proud to enable through Windows 7. Technology has a strong role to play in modern creative arts, for example the ability to record and edit short movies using free software such as Windows Live Movie Maker. Our goal is always to democratise creativity by giving as many people as possible easy access to simple tools to make new things possible. Windows 7 is just technology that enables the imagination to express itself – the movie magic then happens in their hands.”

Through its collaboration with the BFI, Microsoft aims to enable and showcase some of the best new and established British film creativity, coming both from talented practitioners of film and also from those with creative ideas, but have not had the opportunity to participate. The first activity will be a nationwide search for Britain’s budding film makers to create their own short film – the winning entry will be shown prior to the Windows 7 Gala film Premiere at the London Film Festival.

Amanda Nevill, Director of the BFI added, “We are delighted to be working with Windows 7 in new and creative ways that capture the innovation, excitement and everyday place that film has in all our lives. Partnerships such as this are intrinsic to the future strength and reach of the BFI not only through their support of our Festivals and regular events, but also through the bringing together of filmmakers – famous and emerging, global and local, with their audiences to inspire understanding and enjoyment.”

