new york i love you

– . – New York, I Love You

New York, I Love You

Director Various Screenplay Emmanuel Benbihy (concept) Stars Bradley Cooper, Natalie Portman, Orlando Bloom, Ethan Hawke, Christina Ricci Opens October tbc

Coming from the producer of Paris, je t’aime, New York, I Love You is the second chapter in Emmanuel Benbihy’s ‘Cities of Love’ concept. Eleven directors helm the work of 18 writers, as once again we are witness to a number of short stories set in one bustling city, with the common theme of love.
In less adept hands, a vision such as this can fail miserably. The intelligence of New York, I Love You, however, is that although the vignettes may overlap at times, it’s never to the point of detracting from the film’s realism; the city itself is the primary character and this is never forgotten.
The film is simply beautiful at times. Featuring an ensemble cast, most of whom present wonderfully understated charactersbar Hayden Christensen, whose portrayal of a pickpocket borders on irritating-each story presents a different take on the theme and is very much its own individual entity. From the teenage boy who loses his virginity to a girl in a wheelchair on prom night, the pair who meet again following a passionate one-night stand to the bickering old couple celebrating their 60th anniversary, New York, I Love You presents almost every scenario possible in the finding of love. It’s testament to some fantastic editing that the transition from one to the next is seamless, the film never missing a beat as it takes us through a gamut of emotions. 4 stars

Naila Scargill

