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RØDE purchases FiRe app – movieScope

RØDE purchases FiRe app



RØDE’s Peter Freedman (right) with Matthew Foust of Audiofile Engineering (left) following execution of the agreement.

RØDE Microphones have announced its purchase of the acclaimed FiRe audio recording application for Apple iOS devices, from leading US based developer, Audiofile Engineering. Audiofile are considered one of the world’s best audio software development studios for iOS platforms. This acquisition now makes RØDE the world leader in iOS based audio recording innovation and expertise.

Under the terms of the agreement, RØDE has taken complete ownership of the app, as well as the fundamental code to continue to refine new and innovative software in this growing market sector. In the next few months RØDE will release improved versions of its existing app, RØDE Rec, based on the FiRe platform and is working on new, advanced hardware.

“When we first looked at the smartphone market as a development area for RØDE, I knew that it wasn’t enough to just make a hardware product. RØDE’s goal from day one was to create a complete recording solution – a platform that we can build around”, said RØDE President, Peter Freedman. “I had known and used FiRe for some time and considered it to be the best field recording App available. So in conjunction with its developers, Audiofile Engineering, we built RØDE Rec to further enhance its already impressive audio capabilities, as well as providing high-resolution support for all our hardware products, along with the world’s first 24/96 field recorder for iOS, the iXY”.

“Today’s purchase of the FiRe platform brings all of the IP in-house here at RØDE, allowing us to fully control the development schedule and realise many of the great plans we have for RØDE Rec and our iOS based customers around the world”, Mr Freedman continued.

Audiofile Engineering built a strong relationship with RØDE over the eighteen months of development, and is excited to see the application now in the hands of a pro-audio company ready to take it to the next level.

“All of the features that make FiRe an incredibly powerful field recorder for iOS make it a perfect fit for RØDE”, commented Matthew Foust, Managing Partner at Audiofile Engineering. “Creating great audio software is our passion, so we’re elated to see RØDE unite FiRe with best-in-class accessories and leverage their global presence to put it in the hands of even more people around the world.”

Audiofile Engineering will continue to support FiRE customers while the transition is occurring.

For more information on RØDE software apps for Apple iOS, visit
