terminator producers in legal battle

– . – TERMINATOR producers in legal battle


TERMINATOR producers in legal battle


Christian Bale as John Conner in TERMINATOR SALVATION

Source: Variety

TERMINATOR: SALVATION producer Moritz Borman has sued fellow producers Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek and their Halcyon Co. banner, alleging fraud and breach of contract for not paying him producing fees.

The suit, filed Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court, lists eight causes of action and seeks more than $160 million in damages.

Borman alleged he had arranged for the transfer of the TERMINATOR rights to Anderson and Kubiceck but would not have done so had he known of the pair’s “shady” background or that the duo had been sued previously for “swindling” other motion picture investors.

“Notwithstanding the fact that defendants obtained the substantial franchise rights and assets through Borman, Anderson and Kubicek failed to honor their assurances, representations and contractual obligations to Borman,” the suit said. “Defendants’ egregious fraud, bad faith conduct and refusal to abide by their contracts has led to the filing of this lawsuit.”

Anderson and Kubiceck were not immediately available for comment. The fourth TERMINATOR, starring Christian Bale and directed by McG, is set for release on May 21.

Read full article at Variety.com
