the price of sugar to open netherlands film festival

The Price of Sugar to open Netherlands Film Festival

A period film about the personal stories running through the horror of slavery in the Dutch colony of Suriname, the film was shot in South Africa with co-production partners Cool Beans and PV Pictures (Netherlands), Comet Films (Germany), Dutch Boradcaster VARA and Mike Auret of Spier Films (South Africa).

This is the third co-production between Spier Films and Richard Claus of Comet Films. Previous collaborations include the features Black Butterflies (Best Film at the Netherlands Film Awards, Best Film at the South African Film and Televiision Awards and Best Actress at the Tribeca Film Festiavl in 2011) and The Heineken Kidnap.

The Price of Sugar was created with the support of Netherlands Film Fund, CoBO, Spier Arts Trust and Slavery Foundation.

Entertainment One Benelux will handle theatrical distribution in the Netherlands.

Spier Films, Michael Auret says “This is an extremely well crafted film in the same vein as Django Unchained and 12 Years a Slave. It is good that Europe, and particularly the Netherlands, are also now taking ownership of this part of their history.”

