berlinale 2014 awards generation 14plus moviescope

Berlinale 2014 AWARDS – Generation 14plus – movieScope

Crystal Bear for the Best Film: 52 Tuesdays
by Sophie Hyde, Australia 2013

Special Mention: ärtico
by Gabri Velázquez, Spain 2014

Crystal Bear for the Best Short Film: Mike
by Petros Silvestros, Great Britain 2014

Special Mention Short Film: Emo (the musical)
by Neil Triffett, Australia 2013

The members of the International Jury Generation 14plus International Jury included Laura Astorga Carrera, N. Bird Runningwater and Jan Soldat.

The Grand Prix of the Generation 14plus International Jury for the best feature-length film:
by Bas Devos, Belgium / Netherlands 2013

Special Mention:
Einstein and Einstein
by Cao Baoping, People’s Republic of China 2013

Special Prize of the Generation 14plus International Jury for the best short film:
by Sakaris Stórá, Faroe Islands 2013

Special Mention:
by Kristoffer Kiørboe, Denmark 2013
