bfi celebrate animation tax credits moviescope

BFI Celebrate Animation Tax Credits – movieScope

The event, which was organised to educate the industry about the new tax reliefs that are no available for animation programmes, opened with a keynote address from BFI CEO Amanda Nevill and Creative Industries Minister Ed Vaizey. The minister noted that the new tax system is already proving valuable to UK animation, citing the Aquarium Studios’ project Mouse and Mole at Christmas Time which is now finally in production, after 15 years in development, as a direct result of the tax credit.

“From The Clangers to Wallace and Gromit, Britain has a rich and vibrant animation heritage,” said Mr Vaizey, “and the tax relief now in place will ensure that those working in the field today have the best possible chance to be part of that heritage for future generations. The tax credit is turning the tide back in Britain’s favour, driving growth and jobs, and will hopefully encourage investment from some of the bigger international players in what is a dynamic and unique sector.”

A total of 16 animation programmes have received certification from the BFI, which is the first step in accessing the UK’s tax relief for animation, and a further eight have received letters confirming that they will be eligible for the relief.

