

Elysium and the Evolution of Motion Capture – movieScope

Matt Damon in Elysium With over 15 years working in mocap, including most recently on Neill Blomkamp’s upcoming Elysium, Animatrik’s Brett Ineson has see


The Dark Knight Rises breaks $1bn by performing better away from home – movieScope

The Dark Knight Rises has done the majority of its business away from America after taking an estimated $13 million from the overseas box office this weekend, raising its overall international gross to $603 million, with its worldwide total now $1.041 billion.


East End Film Festival ends with awards – movieScope

The 12th East End Film Festival (EEFF) came to a close on Wednesday 10 July, after what was the festival’s longest ever run.

How To Survive a Plague – Review – movieScope

David France’s documentary How To Survive a Plague is ‘shocking, essential viewing,’ says Josh Winning

Blog News

Before Sunrise Third Act to Shoot This Summer – |

Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy and Richard Linklater will reunite to shoot the third act to Before Sunrise and Before Sunset this summer.