creative england proposes priorities for film for 2011 12




ceCreative England, the new body set up in the wake of the impending closure of the UK Film Council in April, today outlined their proposed strategic priorities for film during their first year of operation.

Titled ‘Creative England: A Consultation on Strategic Priorities for Film for 2011/12‘, the draft film strategy, available to download in full from the Creative England website below, now invites responses from the UK film industry. This report will be followed by later consultation on proposals for creative industries support.

The draft specifically proposes three core film priorities:
1. Developing creative talent – a strategy across England to develop new creative talent and distinctive voices, in conjunction with the BFI, Skillset, Film London and industry partners.
2. Nurturing film culture – a network of cultural programmes delivered at a local level across England, in partnership with the BFI, Arts Council England and other partners, which supports innovative approaches to the exhibition and distribution of film, increases choice and grows audiences. This will include a focus on film heritage, film festivals and increased access to and exploitation of, film archive material.
3. Helping to maximise inward investment – a joined up approach to attracting film production and the provision of a nationwide service to support production in partnership with Film London and UK Trade and Investment (UKTI).

In addition, the strategy outlines the importance of:
• Partnership – working with a wide range of organisations and companies from across the public and private sectors, including the BFI, Film London, Skillset, Arts Council England, parallel agencies in the Nations and Local Enterprise Partnerships and central Government, will be integral to Creative England’s work;
• Stimulating innovation – responding to the opportunities presented by the digital age will be a key theme that will apply across all priorities;
• Effective and efficient delivery – Creative England will ensure that overheads are minimised and the value of activities are maximised to the benefit of audiences and the film sector across all the English Regions.

DCMS have confirmed that for the year 2011/12, Creative England will have an initial budget for film-related activities of circa £2.5m Grant in Aid and circa £2m Lottery funding from the BFI. Funding for other activities is being sought from public and commercial sources.

The first stage consultation focuses specifically on film, and Creative England is also developing proposals for supporting the growth of the wider creative industries throughout the English regions.

‘Creative England: A Consultation on Strategic Priorities for Film for 2011/12′ is available to download from the Creative England website

Responses from the film industry can be made online until 31 March 2011 at
