creative skillset appeals to creative industries to complete census

Creative Skillset appeals to creative industries to complete census – |

The census provides Creative Skillset – a non-profit charity jointly funded by the government and industry –  with the most accurate and detailed assessment of the size and shape of the creative industries, and how they fit into the modern economy.

Typical information collated includes total employment estimates for each sector and region within the UK, as well as a breakdown of employment by gender, ethnic origin and disability.

The last census revealed that a disproportionately large number of women were leaving the television industry after the age of 35, sparking a national debate on the causes for such an exodus.

Running since 1999, the census is directed by an industry-led research committee. Information gathered in the census is used to dictate policy, spending and funding decisions at governmental level.

Creative Skillset’s chief executive Dinah Caine said: “Using the 2009 census data we were able to work with UK Screen to submit evidence to the Migration Advisory Committee on job role shortages in the VFX industry, which resulted in them adding five new VFX-related job roles as official shortage areas and maintaining a further 12.

“This has allowed our VFX industry to remain the fastest-growing segment of the UK film industry despite a shortage of skilled graduates from the UK.”

