dedicated uk film centre to sell british films at toronto film festival

Dedicated UK Film Centre to sell British films at Toronto Film Festival – |

The centre brings together the UK’s film commissions, national agencies and sales companies with an aim to generate business through showcasing the 100 new British films are on offer to sales companies.

It will be based at the Festival Room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel – where it has been based for the last two years – and will be open for business from 6-13th September.

The UK Film Centre at TIFF 2012 is delivered by Film Export UK and Film London with funding from UK Trade & Investment, the BFI (British Film Institute) and a range of partners from across the UK.

Agencies represented in the UK Film Centre include the British Film Commission, the British Council, the BFI (British Film Institute), Creative England, Creative Scotland, Film London, and Northern Ireland Screen.

Chair of Film Export UK Stephen Kelliher said “Film Export UK is delighted to be one of the leading partners bringing the UK Film Centre to the Toronto Film Festival once again this year.

“A unified UK presence at significant international film festivals and markets such as Toronto offers huge benefits not only to our members but also to the wider industry. We are absolutely committed to ensuring that the UK Film Centre continues to reflect the vibrancy and dynamism which is so evident in the  UK film industry today.

CEO of Film London & the British Film Commission Adrian Wootton said: “This is the second year Film London has partnered with Film Export UK to ensure the UK has a valuable and meaningful presence at the Toronto International Film Festival. The significance of Toronto in the international film calendar – both in terms of its film programme and as a place to do business – is steadily growing so it is important that our UK agencies, sales companies and producers continue to collaborate to deliver the Toronto UK Film Centre which gives the international film community a centralised point to do business with the British while in Toronto.”

