
Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen donate $90m to Hollywood not-for-profit foundation – |

The committment of $90 million will go towards helping the the Hollywood not for profit organisation reach its $350 million fundraising goal to provide services and financial assistance to entertainment-industry members in need.

Steven Spielberg said in a statement: ”It becomes very personal when someone you know or have worked with is cared for at ‘the Home’ or a crew member is helped financially by MPTF.

“The mission ‘we take care of our own’ is suddenly very real and tangible, and so this new donation is an extension of what we have been doing for a number of years to support that mission.”

With Katzenberg as the Foundation’s chairman, the MPTF has suffered criticism over the past few years due to its decision to close its long-term care facility and hospital in 2009, citing lack of resources for the decision.

The announcement led to nearly three years of protests and a grassroots campaign led by patients and their families that persuaded the MPTF board to reverse their original plans and keep the facilities open.

