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Fagun Thakrar – One To Watch – movieScope

Fagun Thakrar – One To Watch


Fagun was born in Leicester and moved to London to study medicine at University College. After she was interviewed on the subject of being a high achiever for ITV’s News at Ten, a short film director tracked Fagun down and hired her for his next project. Acting steadily ever since, Fagun recently completed Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain, starring Martin Sheen, and the feature Blood & Curry, both of which will be released in 2011.

What training have you received?
I initially studied medicine at UCL while simultaneously taking acting classes during the evenings and weekends, which included studying Shakespeare at RADA and the London School of Speech and Drama. I toured the UK in a play, which was also a great learning experience. And I’m still learning in every project I do to this date…

What kind of roles attract you?
I love both drama and comedy equally. My most recent film was Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain in which I starred with Martin Sheen. I play the pivotal role of a widow who carried the emotional weight of her dead husband killed in Union Carbide. It was a very poignant journey for me. That was a very serious drama, but I’m always interested in doing roles that make people laugh, although dramas do give me more of an opportunity to do research on a wide range of topics. For instance, in my upcoming movie Blood & Curry, I found the role to be challenging and emotionally draining, but my traditional acting background helped me get into the character. Sometimes I broke down in tears as I became aware of the plight of helpless women trapped in real situations. As an actress I enjoyed the challenge, and I’m a better person now as a result.

What’s the best advice that you’ve been given as an actor?
That a career is a journey with many ups and downs… and to never give up.

Tell us the most significant moment in your career so far.
The best is yet to come!

You’ll die happy when…
I’m happy right now. I’m doing what I love and am passionate about. And I have film projects in the near future that are exciting and challenging.

For more information on Fagun, visit www.fagun.net
