gilliam to get bafta fellowship

– . – Gilliam to get BAFTA fellowship


Gilliam to get BAFTA fellowship


Terry Gilliam

Source: BBC News

Former Monty Python star Terry Gilliam will be given a Bafta Fellowship during Sunday’s awards show, in recognition of his contribution to film.

The award is the most prestigious prize given out by the British Academy of Film and Television.

Gilliam, whose films include TIME BANDITS and 12 MONKEYS told the BBC the announcement was “quite a surprise”.

He added: “Awards and honours I’ve kind of shied away from, but this one I’m happy to take.”

Bafta’s Finola Dwyer described Gilliam as “one of the most original, imaginative and innovative directors working in the industry today”.

Previous honourees include Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg.

Asked how it felt to join their ranks, Gilliam said he could not believe his luck.

“I keep asking myself, why me? It was quite a surprise when they said we’ll give you the Fellowship, as I don’t expect these kinds of things. I just get on and do what I do,” he said.
