hollywood contributes to domestic violence says kidman

– . – Hollywood Contributes to Domestic Violence, Says Kidman


Hollywood Contributes to Domestic Violence, Says Kidman

Source: Guardian Film

Nicole Kidman may be an Oscar-winning Hollywood A-lister but she’s also a UN ambassador, and it was in this capacity that she appeared before the UN Congress earlier this week. She is part of a House foreign affairs sub-committee considering legislation to tackle violence against women overseas, and made a surprising statement against the very industry in which she works by accusing Hollywood of too often portraying women as mere sex objects.

Kidman was asked by Republican Dana Rohrabacher whether she thought the film industry was partially responsible for the problem of domestic violence with the way in which it portrayed women. “Probably,” replied the actress, explaining that she was very careful in choosing the roles she played. “I can’t be responsible for all of Hollywood, but I can certainly be responsible for my own career.”
