Blog Cinematography

– . – iPhone apps for filmmakers: Cinematography


iPhone apps for filmmakers: Cinematography

With the growing popularity of the iPhone and now the availability of Apple’s iPad, it was only a matter of time before software developers released advanced software applications for virtually any profession or pastime. The result is the first $300 iPhone app, profiled here alongside a round-up of some of the newest productivity apps for filmmakers. All are available from the Apple AppStore.

Helios – Sun Position Calculator
UK software developers Chemical Wedding have added Helios to their catalogue of iPhone/iPod applications for filmmakers, which already includes the excellent Artemis, a director’s viewfinder (see movieScope #15). (continues…)
Requires: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with OS 3.0 or later.
Price: £17.99/ $29.99

pCAM Film+Digital Calculator
Originally developed more than 10 years ago for Palm/Treos devices by LA-based first camera assistant David Eubank (Lakeview Terrace), pCAM is now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. (continues…)
Requires: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with OS 3.0 or later.
Price: £17.99/ $29.99

KODAK Cinema Tools – Film Calculator and Glossary
The first of several new cinema tools scheduled for release, KODAK‘s new Film Calculator and Glossary utility looks set to become a firm favourite with filmmakers. (continues…)
Requires: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with OS 3.1.2 or later
Price: Free

RealD – Professional Stereo 3D™ Calculator
Whether you’re a seasoned stereographer or new to shooting in 3D, this easy-to-use calculator will help determine the right stereo setup for your rig, fully taking into account parallax, separation, camera and lens–all from the palm of your hand. Designed to help reduce production time by reporting how subjects will appear in 3D while maximising on-set efficiency, this calculator is particularly useful with setting up new shots on the fly. (continues…)
Requires: iPhone or iPod Touch with OS 3.1 or later.
Price: £179.99/ $299.99

