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Participant Media and Doha Film Institute Launch New Film Fund – movieScope

Participant’s Jim Berk told Variety that the plan is to make “a wide range of films across diverse genres, aimed at the global market.” All the films will be in English, and will be in the same vein of the Participant-backed US-set Promised Land from director Gus Van Sant.

Participant and DFI are also exploring a joint venture to produce content for Participant’s new TV channel, which is due to launch in August. There are also discussions being had about the development of a distribution outlet for DFI’s productions through Participant’s American media interests. Additionally, there is talk of an Arabic version of, which is Participant’s social action network.

Said Berk: “Conversations started around the film fund, but quickly moved on to how to create a more encompassing multi-platform relationship, leveraging our activities in digital and in TV. We have platforms, DFI has a wealth of material and distribution capability in the Arab world, where we have none.”

If the collaboration moves ahead, Participant will create a Middle Eastern branch operating from DFI’s headquarters in Qatar.

To handle such broad-based collaboration, Participant will establish a Middle East Participant branch, based out of DFI’s Qatar headquarters.

