polish documentarian bogdan dziworski to receive major award at 54th krakow film festival moviescope

Polish Documentarian Bogdan Dziworski to Receive Major Award at 54th Krakow Film Festival – movieScope

Polish Documentarian Bogdan Dziworski to Receive Major Award at 54th Krakow Film Festival

Bogdan Dziworski, a distinguished Polish cameraman and professor of cinematic art and photography, will receive the Dragon of Dragons award for his entire artistic output at the 54th Krakow Film Festival (May 25th – June 1, 2014)

The Dragon of Dragons award has been given since 1998 by the Programme Council of the Krakow Film Foundation as recognition of the contribution to the development of the world cinematography in the field of documentary and animated film. Previous winners have included Kazimierz Karabasz, Allan King, Albert Maysles, Werner Herzog, Jonas Mekas, Helena Trestíková, Stephen and Timothy Quay, Raoul Servais, Jerzy Kucia and Paul Driessen.

The author of over 40 short and documentary films, cameraman, scriptwriter and photographer, Dziworski’s work primarily uses images, with sound replacing dialogue which is almost completely absent from his films. Some of his most well-known, and award-winning films include: Krzyż i topór (1972) [Cross and Axe], Dwubój klasyczny (1978) [Nordic combined], Kilka opowieści o człowieku (1983) [A Few Stories About A Man] and  Szapito (1985), “Hommage á Beksiński” (1987). He has also collaborated as an operator on numerous documentary films, including Entanglement (2011) by Jacek Bromski and is currently finishing work on the film Plus minus czyli podróże muchy do Gruzji.

Speaking at the announcement, festival director Krzysztof Gierat said: “Bogdan Dziworski is the icon of Krakow Film Festival…a wonderful teacher, a beautiful human. The master.”

The ceremonial presentation of the Dragon of Dragons award will take place at the 54th Krakow Film Festival, on 27th May 2014 in the Kijów Centrum cinema. A retrospective of the director’s films and a masterclass are also planned.

