Tristan Loraine (Producing)
What kind of projects attract you?
Projects which merge issues that stimulate public interest with cover-ups and real conspiracies, to create thought provoking films that entertain audiences. I love films in this genre, like The Insider, Silkwood, Erin Brockovich and Michael Clayton.
You can produce the film of your dreams. What and who would that entail?
Shadows From The Sky, based on my book Toxic Airlines, is the film of my dreams. The film is said to be the Erin Brockovich of the skies and will join the successful genre of films that exposes corporate coverups. The film looks at the ongoing issue of passengers and crews being supplied with contaminated air to breathe on aircraft; air known to become contaminated with toxic chemicals. The film will be a fast-paced conspiracy thriller, and I hope it will help change aviation for the better. Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines actually triggered two calls for a public inquiry into these issues.
What’s the best advice you’ve been given as a producer?
Two pieces of advice come to mind. Firstly, if you plan to also direct a film you are producing, get someone else to do the producing during the shoot. Secondly, assume that everything that can go wrong on a shoot will go wrong, and then you will be well prepared!
Most significant moment in your career so far?
In my film career, it would have to be when Fact Not Fiction Films won the Best Small Business Award for West Sussex in 2009. Investors want to know their money is in good hands.
You’ll die happy when…?
I have done all the things I want to do in life… The list is very long.