giles borg directing

– . – Giles Borg (Directing)


Giles Borg (Directing)

Giles Borg’s short film HOME was nominated for Best Film at a number of festivals both at home and abroad. His debut feature as a writer-director, 1234, had its world premiere at the BFI 52nd London Film Festival.

What training have you received?
A BA in film and TV from WSCAD. Three years of being exposed to cinema from around the world was wonderful, unlike the films I made while I was there which were all terrible. As far as training for my feature goes, I’m glad I made a load of shorts beforehand, but in one way nothing prepares you for shooting a feature. By the end of the first week, I felt like I’d been hit by a train!

What kind of projects attract you?
Anything with good strong characters, emotional resonance and hopefully a sense of humour. And if it allows me to get Winona Ryder in for casting, then all the better. I like little stories and natural situations, but I really hate over-plotting. The mantra that you have to constantly drop in plot points at the anointed page makes me cry.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given as a director?
Cast the film right and it makes itself. At the time I thought it was rubbish, but every film I make just goes to remind me how true it is. As a director you can come up with some beautiful shots, but if the audience looks in the eyes of your actors and doesn’t believe what they see, you’re sunk. The second most useful piece of advice was look calm. Even when everything is falling apart and you’ve no idea what to do next, look as if you have. It will make everyone else feel a lot better. And if you’re going to cut, have a reason to cut, otherwise stick with the shot. With these three rules, I think you can do pretty much anything.

Most significant moment in your career so far?
The day we got confirmation of the shoot budget for 1234. After a year of talking it up, it was suddenly all very real. Absolutely terrifying and absolutely brilliant. The fact that some words I’d scribbled down in haste were now being pored over by a cast and crew ready to be put on celluloid was an extremely odd experience. I’ll never write a filler line in a script ever again. I know it’s a filler, but to the production manager and 1st AD it’s a late night shoot, a dozen extras and a truckload of props.

You’ll die happy when…
Winona Ryder removes the restraining order…

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