pinewood shepperton gets green light for expansion moviescope

Pinewood Shepperton gets green light for expansion – movieScope

Pinewood Shepperton gets green light for expansion

Pinewood Shepperton today received government permission to expand the existing Pinewood Studios by adding a total of 100,000 sqm of new facilities, including twelve large stages with supporting workshops, production offices and infrastructure.

Commenting on the announcement, Pinewood Shepperton chief executive Ivan Dunleavy said: “Our project builds on the success of the Government’s policy for the creative industries and addresses the shortage of stage space in the UK. As a result of today’s green light from the Secretary of State, thousands of much needed new jobs will be created in this growing sector of the economy. We want to begin construction as soon as possible. I’d like to thank colleagues both within and outside the industry, for the tremendous support they have given the project.”
