schrodingers girl reaps comic con kudos

– . – SCHRODINGER’S GIRL reaps Comic-con kudos

SCHRODINGER’S GIRL reaps Comic-con kudos

schrodingers girl poster with abigail tarttelinmovieScope One to Watch Actress Abigail Tarttelin (issue 2.5) has really hit the ground running with UK Sci-Fi SCHRODINGER’S GIRL. Having just returned from a successful run in Cannes, it’s now made official selection at Comic-Con, the world’s largest comic/sci-fi gathering of both fans with pointy heads and suits with pointy cars.

Abigail portrays scientists Sarah, Anastasia and Rebecca Hunter, who each experiment with quantum tunnelling in parallel universes remarkably different from each other. Anastasia’s world is a dark, KGB-run dystopia; Sarah’s world, a futuristic heaven; and the world of rebel scientist Rebecca closely resembles our own.

What’s more, the director has described her as ‘one of the most talented actors I have ever worked with’- kudos indeed for an actress who has carried an entire film at the tender age of 21.

Something tells me this actress has a very bright future ahead of her…
