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Second edition of mobile Play Poland Film Festival to visit nine cities in the UK

The Winner

Still from Wiesław Saniewski’s The Winner (2012) which will be screened at the festival.

Starting in September this year, the second edition of the mobile Play Poland Film Festival will visit nine cities across the UK over a four-month period in a bid to promote Polish cinema abroad.

The largest mobile film event in Britain, the festival will take place in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Oxford, Belfast, Newcastle, Sunderland and London in the UK, as well as locations in Canada and Norway.

Play Poland Film Festival

Play Poland Film Festival

The festival will offer audiences the chance to see Polish feature and short film productions, as well as movie poster exhibitions and talks with respected directors in the Polish movie industry.

The Play Poland festival has partnered with some of the most respected figures and institutions in the country’s cinematic history, including Andrzej Wajda’s Film School, Short Waves Polish Short Film Festival and Platige Image post-production studio.

Mateusz Jarża, the founder and director of the Play Poland Festival, said: “We want to promote Polish art and culture and a film is a very good way to achieve this. The Polish cinema is missing here [in the UK]. There is one big festival, Kinoteka, but they do not reach as far as we do.

“Our objective is to attract mainly British audience, but obviously all the Poles in the UK are welcome. We are aware that the Poles who live here rarely have a chance to see those films. Last year we had as many British as Polish viewers. What is our aim? We would like the Polish film to be acknowledged as distinguishable. We have the French cinema, which is different than the American or the British one. We want the same for the Polish cinema. We want people to learn how to recognise Polish films and their uniqueness.”

In the UK the festival is supported by Glasgow University’s Polish Society, Oxford University’s Polish Society, Screen Academy in Edinburgh, Merseyside Polonia Society in Liverpool, the Polish Association of Northern Ireland in Belfast and the Polish Expats Association in Birmingham.

The London leg of the Play Poland Festival will take place on the 15-16 and 22-23 of October 2012, beginning at 7:30pm in Cafe 1001, 91 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL. Admission is free. For more details see here.

The second Play Poland Film Festival will run from 28 September to 12 December 2012. For more information visit Play Poland or their Facebook page.


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