tw teams on web streams

– . – TW teams on Web streams


TW teams on Web streams


Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes

Source: Variety

The cable biz is starting to feel the heat from viewers who want free online access to top shows—much to the dismay of cable operators.

Time Warner CEO Jeffrey Bewkes is talking up an ambitious plan, dubbed TV Everywhere, that would give viewers that free on-demand online access provided they are already subscribers to cable or satellite services.

Time Warner is in discussions with Viacom, Disney, News Corp., NBC Universal, Rainbow Media and Discovery Communications, as well as major cable, satellite and telecom providers, to allow viewers to stream programs from HBO and myriad other channels on various Internet sites, including the NBC U/News Corp. owned Hulu. Users would receive a password from their cable or satellite provider that would enable them to access cable programs.

Comcast is working on a similar project and is in discussions with a number of the majors.
