story consultant chris vogler returns to london

– . – Story consultant Chris Vogler returns to London


Story consultant Chris Vogler returns to London

Christopher Vogler, former story consultant for Disney, returns to London with Raindance for a 2-day workshop on story structure and character archetypes this September.

Based on a memo written for Disney entitled ‘A Practical Guide to the Hero With a Thousand Faces‘, Vogler has managed to turn the academic language of Joseph Campbell’s seminal book Hero With A Thousand Faces into a practical working resource for writers.

The success of both the original memo and subsequent workshops convinced Vogler to publish The Writer’s Journey, one of the most influential and popular books on the art of screenwriting and storytelling.

Chris Vogler’s UK workshop will be held in Central London on 11/12 September 2010, hosted by Raindance.

For more information or to Book a seat at this event, visit The Screenwriter’s Store

